Reader's opinions

To the Editor: There is a very fine, open-to-all, food pantry in the entrance to the Phillips Free Library in Homer. It includes shelves, refrigerator and freezer, so that much needed milk, …

To the Editor: As the New York State Democratic Primary Election approaches, I want to take a moment to express my enthusiastic support for John Mannion for Congress in NY-22. I am a proud …

To the Editor: I want to remind every registered Democrat in New York’s 22nd Congressional District that we have an important primary election coming up on June 25. The winner of the primary …

To the Editor: Most of the time when City Hall building is open, there are police officers on duty at the front entrance door, along with the metal detector in operation. This is not so at …

To the Editor: John Mannion is the NYSUT endorsed candidate for Congress. I am a proud NYSUT member who has known John and his family for many years. It was through my daughter-in-law and son …

To the Editor: Bernice Gutierrez was 8 days old in July 1945 when a huge explosion from the nation’s first test of an atomic bomb lit up the predawn sky 35 miles west of her hometown of …

To the Editor: At a recent Homer Town Board public meeting, Councilman Kevin Williams, despite strong public opposition, successfully advanced a motion to pursue the introduction of billboards …

Mannion for NY-22

To the Editor: I want to endorse state Sen. John Mannion’s candidacy for Congress in NY-22 (Onondaga, Madison and parts of Oneida, Cayuga and Cortland counties). I’ve worked with John for …

Karla Alwes I realized recently that when we reach a certain age, it is a more significant number than the number of candles on the cake indicate. That is, we become candidates for hearing …

To the Editor: When I ran to represent Homer in the Cortland County Legislature, I promised new perspectives for shaping our future. I promised to make decisions independent of partisan …

To the Editor: My current favorite “kids’ book” is “The Impossible Mountain,” by David Soman. It delivers an understanding that there is a world outside of us and our experiences …

To the Editor: As county legislator for District 10 (Homer), I will vote “no” on Agenda Item #2 at this Thursday’s general session. Agenda Item #2 is referred from the Government …

To the Editor: I found out recently that the Coffee Shop at Guthrie Cortland Medical Center is closing for good. That’s very sad news to me as well as many of my friends. We often enjoyed …

To the Editor: Regarding the recent public hearing held by the Homer Town Board on the matter of the placement of electronic billboards along the northern entrance to the village of …

To the Editor: On the evening of May 8, I was witness to what happens when democracy is purposefully subverted, not in Washington, D.C but right in the town of Homer at the Homer Town Hall. …

To the Editor: I want you all to know that the following is what I decided to put on the first page of my memoir/novel-in-progress: “For all the marginalized people who never got to tell …

To the Editor: A new rule of the Cortland Free Library forbids bottled water to patrons in the library, but staff are allowed bottled water anywhere in the library. Important to all, many of …


Karla Alwes During the month of April I took part in not one, but two, “totalities.” Darkness was the result of both of them. One lasted for three minutes and everyone stood in awe; the …

To the Editor: As a union carpenter and young person in Central New York, I’m supporting Sarah Klee Hood for Congress. I’m committed to strong unions and the environment, and believe that …

To the Editor: In case you’ve been wondering when “real” spring was going to arrive rather than “fake spring” or “teasing spring,” I can tell you without doubt that it is truly …

To the Editor: Wow, where do we even begin on the topic of billboards in Homer? Honestly, it feels like most of us are on the same page here — billboards? In our beautiful town? Thanks, but …

It has become increasingly clear that traditional civics education is a complete failure. It has produced an unquantifiable number of individuals whose lack of civics knowledge is cause for concern. …

To the Editor: I take exception with the headline in the April 17 Cortland Standard regarding Riley Gaines, which stated “Anti-trans Swimmer Riley Gaines to Speak at SUNY Cortland.” And …

Don’t believe fossil fuels industry To the Editor: According to climate scientists, 2023 was the hottest year on Earth in 125,000 years. Are there adequate solutions to reverse this …

To the Editor: We are writing to express our concerns as New York state residents and small business owners about the fact that the New York state bottle bill has not been updated since …

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