Frequently asked questions

What if I have questions about my subscription invoice or account?
Contact Customer Service at 607-756-5665. We will be happy to assist you with billing and account questions. Circulation Customer Service is open 8 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

What time should I expect to receive my newspaper?
The Cortland Standard is delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, and home delivery subscribers can expect to receive their newspaper with their daily mail.

What should I do if my newspaper does not arrive or if sections are missing?

Notify us and we will get a complete newspaper to you at the earliest opportunity.

How can I temporarily stop my delivery while I am out of town or on vacation?

Delivery can be temporarily stopped while you are away. Simply visit Circulation Customer Service or call them at 607-756-5665. Please note that your request must be received and entered into our circulation system by 9 a.m. in order to start or stop delivery that day. A voicemail is acceptable outside customer service hours.

How do I buy back issues of the paper?

Come in to the lobby of the Cortland Standard at 110 Main St., Cortland. We try to have papers available from as far back as a year ago, although supply may be limited and some days not available.


Obituary Submission Policy

The Cortland Standard only accepts obituaries placed through funeral homes.

Effective June 1, 2018, all obituaries are subject to a $15 base fee plus 75 cents per word.

The headline is not included in the word count.

A standard-size photo of the deceased (1×1.5”) costs $25. Non-standard size pictures costs $35.

Only e-mailed submissions are accepted. The email address is
MS Word documents are preferred.

The deadline for submission is 12 p.m. the day before you would like the obituary to run. A $50 late fee will be applied to obituaries received after noon, with a final cutoff of 3 p.m. for the next day's publication.

Please direct any questions to the Business Office at 607-756-5665, ext. 140.

The Cortland Standard reserves the right to edit obituaries for style and content.

The newspaper also runs death notices, which are free; however, they include only the name, age and residence of the deceased, along with funeral and burial information.