To the Editor: I am sorry that there does not appear to be an event at St. Mary’s to commemorate the life of Sister Harriet. Absent that, I would like to mention how important she was for …
To the Editor: Reference is made to Our Opinion, July 12, “Want to attract new cops? Bring down the blue wall.” Chief Robert Pitman’s assessment of hiring issues across the nation …
To the Editor: I am writing to express my deep disappointment and concern over the recent decision by the Cortland County Legislature not to pursue further investigation into the tragic death …
To the Editor: After reading Jack Lakowsky’s article about a neighbor’s unpleasant experience, I am disappointed by the city. Did the mayor and a police officer visit neighbors who have …
To the Editor: I watched with horror and disbelief as the Supreme Court handed down their ruling on presidential immunity. Rather than address the actual facts presented by special council …
Not much goes on in a hospital waiting room, a fact that lends itself to the name of the room itself. I recently had reason to observe the waiting room’s lack of activity in a major Rochester …
To the Editor: Your idea that everyone can back into the parking space is so out of reality! I was taught, in the 1950s, to turn around and look out the back window when backing up. That is …
To the Editor: From now until Sept. 1, PBS’s Great Performances at the Met is presenting Gounod’s “Romeo et Juliette” On Demand. The opera is sung in French with English subtitles and …
To the Editor: Brandon Williams is an election denier. Where was Williams’ patriotism when the Capital Police were getting hit and poked with American flags on Jan. 6? One of them died the …
To the Editor: Additional low-income housing is certainly needed in Cortland County. It would be a mistake, however, to replace the current tenants of the Homer Avenue Plaza with the proposed …
To the Editor: They continue to seduce Democrats and mainstream media into fact-checking and refuting irrelevant and baseless personal attacks on Kamala Harris. The truth is that this …
To the Editor: As a fellow veteran, it made me proud to see Congressman Brandon Williams, a US Navy veteran, defend the American flag in Washington, D.C. on July 24. On that day, …
To the Editor: I have read the recent article regarding the parking on Main Street and your recent editorial. People I have spoken to regarding Main Street all say they are not happy with …
To the Editor: Patriot Joe has given what so many wanted: a presidential race between a younger version of competence and caring, honesty and decency versus the old fat felon and his rich, …
A recent news story, in a different newspaper, caught my eye. The story was titled “Social Media Led Tractor Supply to Exit DEI.” Following the bewilderment that overtook my sense of logic that I …
To the Editor: The CNY Mustang-All Ford Club is excited to announce our 16th annual “Rooftop” concert for local charities. We are proud to be featuring for the first time local band …
To the Editor: The CNY Mustang-All Ford Club is excited to announce our 16th annual “Rooftop” concert for local charities. We are proud to be featuring for the first time local band The …
He begs oilmen — give me a billion dollar campaign contribution and, once elected, I will undo the climate protections that Biden has introduced. On the debate stage he refused to use the …
On July 4 2024, 248 years after we declared our independence from England with its insane king and its oppressive parliament, we are right back where we started: We are on the brink of being ruled by …
“Escape to Margaritaville” was one of the best musicals I have experienced in my 53 years of attending Cortland Repertory Theatre. (Yes, I am a dinosaur.) I knew little about Jimmy Buffet …
Responding to Ruth Lewis’ letter of July 5: My brother and I own the hundreds of solar panels, which currently supply all of the electricity for a 34,000-square-foot commercial building located …
To the Editor: It appears the Supreme Court, AKA “Teflon Donald J. Trump’s legal team,” has handed him a get-out-of-jail-free card. If elected (if he gets elected), he will become on par …
To the Editor: Thank you for the June 27 article about the ticks. It should be taped to the refrigerator as a daily reminder to check your body for ticks after you’ve been outside. Or make a …
To the Editor: Don’t throw him under the bus! I want to put the debate in perspective. How often will the president have to debate a foreign leader? Zero times. Which candidate: Put …
To the Editor: I’ve come up with a perfect solution for dealing with the hundreds, if not thousands, of solar panels when they’re no longer viable. We pile them in semi-trailers and drop …