All Shook Up, Finding Purpose After Traumatic Brain Injury Debra J. White Vine Leaves Press 2024 In 1994, author Debra J. White lived in Freeville, and was walking her dogs one January …
Linda Christy and Chuck Kasten won Friday’s duplicate bridge match with 17 points. Barb Klockowski and Laura Simon were second with 10.5 points. Barb Gage and Jim McConnell were third with …
Today was a good day. Ben has reached the age where there is no “getting better.” There are just good days and bad days. This morning, he got up without much assistance and walked …
The bright mid-morning sun ignited the orange and red leaves of trees along Route 281 as I drove south into the city of Cortland last week. I was about to start my last day working for the Cortland …
Gabriel, A Novel of the American Civil War Matthew J. Watros Troy Book Makers 2020 What do any of us know about our ancestors 160 years ago, their daily lives, their decisions and …
DRYDEN — Southworth Library in Dryden has received a Thinking Money for Kids program kit from the American Library Association and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation and will use its games …
It stands to reason that you probably don’t want to run down the beasties and Barbies on Halloween night Thursday. Of course you’ll watch for them in the street and on the sidewalk …
The Fortnightly Club meet Oct. 16 at the home of Amy Simrell discussing the theme, “Hobbies that Inspired Us.” Ellen Wright discussed needlecraft. Wright created many items of …
NOVEMBER BOOK RELEASES A selection of some of the most-anticipated releases. • American Rapture, by C. J. Leede • And He Shall Appear, by Kate van der Borgh • An …
LaFAYETTE — Columbian Presbyterian Church will have a Christmas cookie cafe from 9:30 a.m. to noon Dec. 14 at the church, routes 11 and 20, LaFayette. Participants can create custom cookie …
The Regional Photography Exhibit, sponsored by Cortland Arts Connect, is open for viewing through November at the Cortland Free Library. Twenty-three photographers submitted 42 photos in four …
Our voices echoed off the walls as four of my children and I talked. It created an uneasy feeling in the empty rooms that had until recently been filled with the accumulated furniture, photos …
On Oct. 13, SpaceX launched the fifth test flight of its Starship launch vehicle. The flight’s overwhelming success caused the company to announce the sixth test flight, scheduled for …
Women of Faith will meet at 10 a.m. Nov. 8 at Grace and Holy Spirit Church on Court Street, Cortland. The focus of the meeting will be gratitude and thanksgiving. The project will be collect …
Atomic Habits – Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results By James Clear, Penguin Random House 2018 Back in June, I was getting ready to share some ideas about how each of us can improve. If we are …
Halloween is a time for celebrating differences. That’s why this carnival is for all ages, all interests, and all levels of ability. The first “Dark Carnival and Costume Party: A …
Linda Christy and Jim McConnell won Friday’s duplicate bridge match with 13.5 points. Barb Klockowski and Laura Simon were second with 11 points. Barb Gage and Chuck Kasten were third with …
Project FeederWatch begins its 38th year Nov. 1, gathering information about bird populations across the United States and Canada — data scientists will use in a variety of ways, the Cornell …
You can find animals you can’t find at the zoo at a new art show. Cortland-based artists and animal lovers Paul Kozlowski and Michelle LoGerfo opened their joint show Friday, …
I was on a long drive with my girlfriend when she asked me if I wanted to listen to some music. Yes! I always have music playing when I drive alone, but try to be considerate when I’m …
The Fortnightly Club’s met Oct. 2 at the First Presbyterian Church in Cortland to consider its theme for the season: “Hobbies that Have Inspired Us.” Marilyn DeLorenzo …
The Cortland County Office for Aging will have a presentation Thursday on new advances in Alzheimer’s treatment, presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. The event will be 3 to 4 …
I do my best thinking when I’m asleep. For the longest time, I would have a brilliant thought in the middle of the night, wake up and think, “I’ve got to do that …
NASA launched on Thursday the Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter’s icy moon. Europa is one of the four Galilean moons discovered by Galileo himself. Among the other moons and even planets in our …
The 12th annual Little York Fall Fiber Arts Festival will be this weekend at the Little York Pavilion at Dwyer Memorial Park in Preble. The event, a fundraiser for Cortland Repertory Theatre …