
Byrne reveals plan to double Cortlandville plant

Cortlandville officials confirmed Wednesday what they had learned last summer: Byrne Dairy hopes to more than double the size of its facility, according to a presentation made this week to town …

Homer Town Hall renovations delayed 

You can’t start a project without a plan, but the town of Homer’s plan to move the Homer Police Department to town hall and other renovations won’t be ready until spring. …

No injuries were reported when a Cortland school bus slid off the road Wednesday morning, taking students to school, the district superintendent announced. Nine students were on the bus at the …

Cortland, school district agree on Parker school lease

The city of Cortland and the Cortland Enlarged City School District agreed Tuesday to a two-year lease of the former Parker Elementary School in Cortland to house students as the school district …

Cortland County willing to sell linear park land

Cortland County legislators say they’re willing to sell linear park land near Lime Hollow Nature Center – with several lawmakers optimistic that the center will buy the land. The …

The Harford Volunteer Fire Department will have pancake breakfasts Jan. 26 and Feb. 23 as a fundraiser. The breakfasts, from 8 to 11 a.m. at Harford Town Hall on Route 38, will include eggs …

The American Legion post 489 on Tompkins Street in Cortland will have its monthly breakfast from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday. All breakfasts are cooked to order an an omelet special is featured.

The Homer Central School Board of Education will meet at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 14 in the Homer Training and Education Center.

Dryden hopes fewer fire departments means lower costs

DRYDEN – Dryden hopes that with fewer fire departments, even with slightly higher budgets, it can bring a greater return on its fire safety investment in 2025, but its contract with its fire …

The Cortland Board of Education will have a special meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Kaufman Center, 1 Valley View Drive.

So many people have used Cortland County’s Code Blue Warming Shelter at the Salvation Army so far this season that the county will consider spending more money next week to keep it open through …

Dryden Fiber: Access growing, but supplies a concern

DRYDEN The town of Dryden’s Broadband Committee had encouraging news Friday about its growing service area, but also heard concerns about the availability of needed supplies. Committee …

The Cortland Board of Education will have a special meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Kaufman Center, 1 Valley View Drive.

☞ COPY & PASTE TO LIVE NOW ☞ > ☞ COPY & PASTE TO LIVE NOW ☞ > Luke Littler will face Michael van Gerwen in a blockbuster final …

The Cincinnatus school board will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the school library.

DeRUYTER — The American Red Cross will have a blood drive from 1:30 to 6 p.m. Jan. 10 at the DeRuyter American Legion post on Seminary Street. Donors through Jan. 26 are eligible to win a …

The Child Advocacy Center of Cortland County will lead a seminar Jan. 16 on human trafficking. The National Human Trafficking Hotline reports 412 cases of human trafficking in New York in 2023 …

Real contest, mock cocktails

Just because people are abstaining from alcohol, it doesn’t mean they don’t want the experience of perusing a menu, and picking out a yummy drink to enjoy alongside friends. On Jan. …

Greek Peak raised almost $17,000 on Christmas Eve for Virgil United Methodist Church’s food pantry through its Donation Day, the ski resort has announced. The concept is simple enough. …

DRYDEN — The town of Dryden has announced that Amaretta Beardslee will provide dog control services in the town, starting this week. She succeeds Jason Leonard. Beardslee has more …

Removed Cortlandville justice still paid after 4 months

Robert DeMarco continues to be paid for being a Cortlandville town justice, nearly five months after the deputy chief administrative judge for Central New York ordered him removed from his elected …

Homer bids farewell to mayor

Homer bid farewell to one mayor as the year closed and will say hello to a new one in two weeks. Darren “Hal” McCabe stepped down from the position he was elected to in March 2017. …

Preble changes short-term rental ruling

The Preble Town Board has decided to undo its ruling of two weeks ago, voting, 3-2, Monday to ban short-term rentals of single-family homes. Earlier in December, the board voted, also 3-2, to …

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