coronavirus briefs -- february 23, 2023

Cortland reports 13 new COVID cases


Cortland County reported 13 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, raising the number of confirmed cases since the pandemic began to 13,445, the state Health Department reports.

Tompkins and Cayuga counties reported 23 new cases Wednesday, and one death the state reported. The three counties have seen 60,673 cases since the pandemic began in March 2020. The number of people who have died from the virus has risen to 417.

  • Information from the state Health Department was delayed, but four new COVID patients were admitted Tuesday to Guthrie Cortland Medical Center, one on Friday, four on Thursday and two on Feb. 15. The hospital had 10 COVID patients Wednesday. The state Health Department reports 316,239 tests have been administered. The state has reported 135 deaths.

  • Tompkins County saw 17 new cases Wednesday, the state Health Department reported. The number of confirmed cases rose to 26,687. The state reports 3,074,521 tests have been administered. The county reports 101 residents have died.

  • Cayuga County saw six new cases Wednesday, and one death, the state Health Department reported. Confirmed cases rose to 20,541. The state reports 411,430 tests have been administered, and 181 people have died.